
Probably my top 5 interests are – in no particular order – studying religion, Star Trek, photography, teaching, and traveling. Turns out that I really enjoy visiting religious sites, taking photographs of them, and then telling others about them. (and then watching Star Trek when I’m all done)

To that end, I enjoy bringing the internet more information on the various religious buildings out there – both their theological and historical significance. Until not that long ago, everyone had a community within their particular house of worship. These places reflect both the traditions of that religion and the history of that area. What better way to learn than by seeing?

In general, I visit places that I’m interested in for whatever reason. Although I’m Catholic and tend to favor sites that are Catholic, my interest lies in just about every religion. So, there’s really no method to my madness…

The one exception to that is basilicas. My boyfriend fiancé husband and I are currently on a quest to visit all 78 basilicas in the United States. Some basilicas are really well known, while others have less information online; we’re hoping to bring the internet more information and pictures, not to mention a first hand account of the beauty and history each one of these churches contains. Why basilicas? Well, basilicas have that rank because they have historical, spiritual, and cultural significance to the Catholic Church. I’m a convert to Catholicism, and what better way to learn about the Church’s presence in America than by visiting some of the most important places in its shaping?

If you have no interest in reading, but just want to check out my photography, you can see all my photos of religious sites here, and then all my other favorite photos here. My Flickr photostream is here. Unless a photo in a post cites another source, the photo was taken by me. Check it out on Flickr (just click on the picture) for copyright information.

9 thoughts on “About

  1. What a fascinating idea! I can’t wait to read more about your journey. Also, love the name of your blog (I assume it’s a reference to that little “here is the church, here is the steeple” game?) Anyway, thanks for your comment at my place, and I look forward to reading more.

  2. This is a GREAT idea. I looked through your pictures and I love it. I’m a mom with a lot of kids and I can’t (don’t want to) travel much right now so for you to bring these pictures to a place where I can see them is just wonderful. Thank you!

  3. Pingback: 7 Quick Takes (vol. 13) « Here is the Church…

  4. I just saw your comment on my blog (Philothea On Phire)…thanks!…so thought I’d take a look at what you’re all about. Fascinating! I told my husband a long time ago that on any trip we took, I wanted to stop at every Catholic church along the way and take pictures of it. Never happened…we always were in too much of a hurry, or it would be too far out to the way, or whatever. Well…someday, maybe! Anyway, thanks for commenting on my blog.

  5. Pingback: “Here is the Church” A Must See Photo Blog! | Accepting Abundance

  6. HI, welcome to our Catholic faith. There is so much to learn about the catechism of the Catholic Church. If you are into the architecture of cathedrals, check out “Building the Great Cathedrals” on DVD. It is fascinating. I totally recommend it.

  7. I’ve just discovered your site. Very nicely done – especially my favorite, Vincennes! Excellent pictures!
    Did you know that the first Bishop of Vincennes, Simon Gabriel Bruté has been recommended for canonization? He is currently a “Servant of God”. Before coming to Vincennes he was the spiritual director of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton. (http://archindy.org/brute)

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